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we are anirra & sophie

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We are Anirra & Sophie! You probably know us as friends or family. We started by baking cakes for our teachers and making things through requests. Whether it was for a birthday, or just for fun, we would always have a great time baking with each other. As more and more people started asking about what our ultimate goal was, we decided to start Fresh Baked. Now, we're very happy that we're able to share our passion for baking with everyone in our community.

As we've grown through our many years of business, we've learned so much about how difficult it can be to get started. Once we decided on our priorities as a business, we realized that we both wanted to be able to support those making serious change in the world. Not only do we offer basic goods for all the people in our community, but we are excited to collaborate with other organizations and people to support their causes through sharing food!

Let’s Work Together

43916 Rosemere Drive

Fremont, CA 94539

Tel: 510-953-8121

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